Deed and Record prepares and e-records deeds to change an owner of a Las Vegas timeshare. Change is needed because of marriage, divorce, gifts, and trusts to add a co-owner and to remove a co-owner. Change of owners is by deed. A deed is a piece of paper with the owner’s signature stating the current owner’s intent to transfer the timeshare to another person.
The process
We prepare the deed and email it to you for signature. You or the owner sign the deed. A notary must acknowledge the deed.
You return the signed deed in PDF, either by mail or email. We e-record the deed. We forward to you the recorded deed. You forward the recorded deed to the timeshare resort to update its records.
When change is needed
Change may be needed in a marriage when only one spouse owns the timeshare. The resort may require the other spouse to be on title to make reservations or to access the timeshare. Or, the non-owning spouse wants to be on title to inherit and continue to use the timeshare.
In marriage, an owner is added. In divorce, an owner is removed. Until the non-owning spouse is removed as owner, both spouses have access to the timeshare and are responsible for the maintenance fees.
Another reason to change is when a trust is created. Trusts do not avoid probate if the trust does not own the timeshare. A deed from the Settlor to the Trustee properly funds the trust.
Owners are often looking to gift their timeshare, either all of it or as a partial gift. Partial gifts add an owner, and the current owner remains on title. Another partial gift is from one co-owner to the other co-owner. Full gifts relieve the current owner from the obligation of maintenance fees. The new owner has sole access from a full gift.
How Nevada’s records deeds
Nevada tracks real property by county. Timeshares are real property. Real property documents are maintained by the recorder’s office in each county. Nevada requires a “declaration of value” to accompany the deed. The value declaration determines the transfer tax amount payable to the county.
Las Vegas is located in Clark County. All timeshare deeds for resorts located in Las Vegas are recorded with Clark County. Upon receiving a properly prepared deed, the Clark County recorder’s office will change its owner database.
Change in owners of a Las Vegas timeshare is needed because of marriage, divorce, gifts, trusts and to add or remove a co-owner. A recorded deed is required to change owners of a timeshare. The recorded deed must be forwarded to the Las Vegas Timeshare company to update their records.